Telegram Bot Guide

How to use the $LNDRY telegram bot.

TG Mixer Bot Guide

  1. Initiate the mix: Start by typing the /start command into the LNDRY Telegram bot. This will bring up the main menu. Hit the MIX & BRIDGE button to proceed to the next step.

  2. Specify Input Currency:

    Select the input currency you want to use from the menu.

  3. Specify Output Currency:

    Select the output currency you want to use from the menu.

  4. Specify the receiving wallet address

    Respond to the prompt with the receiving wallet you want to receive the output currency at.

  5. Make the Deposit: Send the input currency & amount specified to the provided address within the timeframe provided. As soon as your deposit is confirmed on the blockchain, LNDRY will take the next steps.

  6. Mixing Process: Your funds are securely added to our mixing pool. We use algorithms to determine the optimal time to mix your input currency with others in the pool, obfuscating the trail back to the source.

  7. Receiving Clean ETH: After the mixing process, the equivalent amount of ETH (minus a service fee) is sent back to you. This ETH is dissociated from your original deposit, ensuring your transaction history remains private.

Managing Your Transactions

  • Cancel: If you need to cancel the operation, you can type /cancel . Remember, you should not send your ETH after hitting 'Cancel' as the process is intended to be stopped immediately.

  • Support In the unlikely event that your mixing times suffer a delay, you can message the 24/7 support bot here.

Last updated